You must believe something before you can know anything.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Rational- Irrational dialectic and the Problem of Evil- Part 1

Pardon me while I interrupt my regularly scheduled blog notes on Van Til's article "A Calvin University"(which, by the way, is contained on this site in its entirety in an earlier post), to address a recurring and rather irksome two part refrain I hear in one form or another all to often.

Now it wouldn't be so bad if some people raised the question, "If there is a God, why is there so much evil in the world?", while other people raised the question "Who are you to judge?" in response to a Christian who, say, condemned some moral evil in the world. But how can the one and the same person ask both questions minutes apart from each other in a conversation and miss the tremendous irony? It can only be attributed to the rational-irrational dialectic of fallen man as he argues his case against God while presupposing his own moral superiority (an attribute which he finds repugnant in others).

If you think about it a little, these two questions require doublethink to be maintained simultaneously.

More to come...


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