You must believe something before you can know anything.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Now for something completely different...

Last time I was going to blog, I was going to comment on my reading of "The Reformed Pastor and Modern Thought". Suddenly, its a month and a half later and low and behold... I'm turning 40 this weekend! Since I'm a Star Trek TOS guy, I thought I would mention that the original series turns 40 this summer too!

Let me take this occasion to mention a decent book which though by no means Reformed or Van Tillian in orientation, provids an evangelically christian analysis of the show. The title is:

"The Double Vision of Star Trek: Half-Humans, Evil Twins, and Science Fiction"
by Mike Hertenstein

You can get a used copy at Amazon for $2.75 last time I checked.

While I love the show, I don't care much for Gene Roddenberry who had nothing good to say about true Christianity and seemed to be ... well you can read it for yourself:

There are some neat fan films that have taken up the mantle of reproducing the original series. The sets and special effects are mint, but some of the acting is... well... o.k. :

and of course a few links:


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